Zinc's Health Benefits and It's Importance for Testosterone Production and Male Fertility
What is ZINC?
"Zinc, an essential mineral, is naturally present in some foods, added to others, and available as a dietary supplement. Zinc is also found in some cold lozenges, over-the-counter drugs sold as cold remedies, and some denture adhesive creams." (Source: National Library of Medicine)
Benefits of ZINC for Human Health
"Zinc is involved in many aspects of cellular metabolism. It is required for the catalytic activity of hundreds of enzymes, and it plays a role in enhancing immune function, protein and DNA synthesis, wound healing, and cell signaling and division [1-4]. Zinc also supports healthy growth and development during pregnancy, infancy, childhood, and adolescence and is involved in the sense of taste" (Source: National Library of Medicine)
How ZINC is very important for Men's Health?
1. ZINC and Its Impact on Testosterone Production
A 1996 study published on National Library of Medicine website showed a very clear relationship between zinc and testosterone levels and concluded that zinc may play an important role in modulating serum testosterone levels in normal men.
During the study, young men were fed a diet including very little zinc to develop zinc deficiency. Then Testosterone levels were measured and there was a significant decrease (almost 75 percent) after 20 weeks of a low-zinc diet.
The same study also examined zinc supplementation in elderly men. It was found that with increased zinc intake, testosterone levels in the elderly population almost doubled.
2. Zinc As An Essential Element for Male Fertility
An article in 2018 "Zinc is an Essential Element for Male Fertility: A Review of Zn Roles in Men’s Health, Germination, Sperm Quality, and Fertilization" summe up the Roles of Zn in male reproductive system as follows:
"2.1. Zn in testis:
Zn exists at high levels in the testis of vertebrates which are comparable to liver and kidney. Moreover, there are certain reports that manifest Zn can reduce testis injury by stresses such as heavy metals, fluoride, and heat . Zn is assembled in the testis during early spermatogenesis and may play a main role in the adjustment of the spermatogonial reproduction and in the meiosis of germ cells ...
2.2. Zn and male hormonal statue:
Some researchers have witnessed that Zn is needed for the normal functioning of the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis. Because of the important role of Zn in male reproductive potential, it is paramount to recognize that andrological variations which are most sensitive to Zn depletion. An evaluation of those variables in clinical cases of possible Zn deficiency would accelerate treatment. Zn influences male fertility in several different ways. Low Zn levels have a negative effect on serum testosterone concentration.
2.3. Zn and prostate:
The prostate compared to other tissues and body fluids has high concentration of Zn. Actually, Zn is a marker of prostatic function. Its other roles are regulation of the functions of spermatozoa, acting as a co-factor for most enzymatic reactions, and helping in preservation of sperm motility. Zn as a downward molecular weight complex with citrate or bound to glycoproteins of the sperm vesicles is discharged from the prostate demonstrating that biologic Zn therapy has a positive effect on sperm motility and the use of biologic Zn supplementation was an efficient method for the treatment of infertile males with chronic prostatitis.
2.4. Antibacterial activity:
Zn oxide nanoparticles have bactericidal effects on both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and are also effective against spores which are resistant to high temperature and high pressure. Prostatic Zn may have antibacterial activity because trichomonas vaginalis is easily killed at concentrations of Zn that occur in the prostatic fluid of healthy men. Furthermore, Zn has antibacterial activity and antilipid peroxidation properties that maintain sperm membrane stability and protect the testis against the degenerative changes...
2.5. Roles of Zn in quality and function of sperm:
Evidence suggests that seminal Zn has an important role in the physiologic functions of the sperm and that its reduced levels result in low seminal quality and subsequent chances of fertilization..."